Endgame In Sight: Putin Declares War On Saudi Arabia. Will The US Respond?


Happy New Year Everyone!!!

It is good to be back and blogging. Quite a few things to cover over the next few days. Including today’s gap down at the open, the sell-off in China and year end window dressing. More on that in a few.

First, let’s concentrate on important macro events that will have severe consequences on the stock market in 2016. Something no one is talking about. In October of last year I have suggested that Mr. Putin end game was not to stabilize Syria, but to wipe out Saudi Arabia.  Will Putin Destroy Saudi Arabia?

Not directly, of course, but Iran has now official entered this final chapter on behalf of Russia.

The primary question now is…..will the US Government stand by its long time ally Saudi Arabia or abandon it as it did with every other government? Mr.Putin is betting on the latter and he has a one year window to get it done.

Again, to accomplish a complete victory in the Middle East Mr. Putin must destabilize and collapse Saudi Arabia. I believe that is to be his end game at the present moment. Such a development would deliver a major blow to the US in the region, cement his power and bring the price of oil back up (buy oil?).

And that might actually happen much faster than anyone believes.

Either way, get some popcorn, this will be an interesting story to watch in 2016


End Game In Sight: Putin Declares War On Saudi Arabia. Will The US Respond? Google

NATO Continues To Encircle Russia – War Imminent

NATO-expansion-2At times I am amazed with America. And not in a good way. We live in a country where more people care about “Caitlyn” or the color of one’s skin than the fact that this country is being run by criminally insane narcissists. That is to say, the US Administration continues on with its drive to set a clear path to war. A war that will wipe us all out.

In the meantime, China and Russia continue to forge a closer relationship. Don’t forget, China needs Russia’s massive nuclear arsenal while Russia needs China’s massive army. And the common enemy? Naturally, the US/NATO.

Meaning, things continue to develop exactly as was outlined in my book Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon.When, How & Why  Unfortunately, I no longer believe the American populace is intelligent enough, by and large, to stop our government’s relentless drive towards war. A mistake we will all pay for. Tik tak…..tik tak….tik tak.


NATO Continues To Encircle Russia – War Imminent Google