The Secret Behind How The Stock Market Really Works

stock market DNAHere is the best explanation I came across when I first started research into my mathematical and timing work. After more than a decade of development work behind me, I can attest that the statement below is 100% accurate.

Markets being, at minimum, a three-dimensional phenomena, exactly like a large molecule rotating in space, in and out of Z plane, with DNA coding sequences governing the entire process. Without understanding the market is 3-D, twisting like a plant governed by the phyllotactic laws of dual number series and harmonic composition and decomposition, all measurements taken on a 2-D chart become misleading. – Dr. B


The Secret Behind How The Stock Market Really Works  Google

Stock Market Secret Revealed: Join the FED, stop worrying so much and buy every stock under the sun.

10-Year Note

As yields continue to collapse (suggesting a bear market ahead), mainstream financial media continues to view this as a net positive. No matter how outlandish and out of touch their premise is.  Stock rally not done because it’s ‘game on’ for the Fed.

To spare you the details of reading the article above, the FED will not raise rates until and unless the job market improves and real wages accelerate higher. Until that happens, this liquidity driven stock market party will continue indefinitely. Perhaps.

Yet, as I have maintained for the last two years, interest rates are likely to collapse into their double bottom not because of the stronger economy, but due to a massive recession or a bear market that we are about to experience. Click Here To Learn More. 

Make no mistake, the stock market is in a massive bubble and the bond market is flashing a clear red light. That is to say, whatever you do, just make sure you don’t follow mainstream financial media. Their advice? Just as at 2000 and 2007 tops, …….join the FED, stop worrying so much and buy every stock under the sun.

Worst-case scenario? An asset bubble bursts and the Fed, which has maintained zero rates for a record six years, has no policies left to influence the economy. Though, perhaps it’s best to stop worrying and follow the age-old wisdom that if you can’t beat (the Fed) you might as well join it. At least for now. 

A sound strategy until a bear market kicks in and ones portfolio losses 30-50%    


Stock Market Secret Revealed: Join the FED, stop worrying so much and buy every stock under the sun.  Google