Why Are Markets Collapsing…..Jobs Report Was Good.

nasdaq chart

Since markets are performing exactly as our internal forecasts have indicated (to the day), I will tell you.  The markets are not driven by the fundamentals like “the jobs report”. The markets could care less. They have a beautiful mathematical structure within them and as such, they move in perfect mathematical order between the points of force. The fundamentals simply follow. Once you have the mathematical/timing framework down it is fairly easy to calculate, way in advance, exactly what the stock market is going to do. I show you exactly how in my book. Remember, the stock market will be down 10-20% before any fundamental data begins to show any warning signs. If you would be interested in learning exactly what will happen in the stock market over the next 2 weeks or 2 years, please Click Here.   

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Why Are Markets Collapsing…..Jobs Report Was Good.  Google

Why Most Stock Market Bears Will Be Disappointed.


If you pay attention to today’s bearish community and to the likes of or you would walk away with a perception that the Dow Jones is going to 1,000 or lower. In fact, according to them you would be better off stock pilling guns, ammo and canned food. If you have the same point of view, I am sorry, but you will lose a lot of money over the next few years.  

Yes, our incredibly accurate timing and mathematical work confirms that there will be a bear market over the next few years. Between 2014-2017 to be exact. Yet, it will not be as severe as the bears would like you to believe. In fact, it won’t be half as severe as the bear market leg between 2007-09. Now, most of the Perma Bear will dismiss this notion as nonsense. They want the market to collapse and they won’t be happy until we see a 1929 type of a crash. Yet, it a dangerous delusion that will cost them a lot of money. Just as it did over the last 5-Years when the stock market completely annihilated all of their short positions.   

Instead, if you would like to know exactly when the bear market of 2014-2017 will start and it’s exact internal composition (forecastered to the day), please check out our work on this site….. Click Here. 

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Attention: The Crisis In Ukraine Is Now Over…..Bull Market To Continue?

After analyzing Russian media for quite some time I believe the conflict in Russia is now over. Putin got what he wanted……a highly strategic and valuable piece of real estate known as Crimea. Plus, both Putin and Russian people see this as a major victory over the West.  Given the West’s incredibly weak sanction response, Russia is ready to be done here. While Putin will maintain a high level of Russian troop presence around Ukraine, just in case, he is somewhat reluctant to go into East Ukraine. If things remain as they are, you can consider this conflict over.

The only thing that can escalate the situation further is sanctions that have a bite. Looking at today’s situation, I see very little evidence that either the EU nor the US are willing to go far enough to hit Russia with actual sanctions.  However, if they do, you will see an immediate re-escalation of hostilities in Ukraine. At that stage, Putin will be willing to go into Eastern Ukraine to show his dominance. 

In terms of the stock market, this geopolitical issue will not impact the markets over the long terms. While we might see some short-term volatility associated with Russia’s action, over the long-term Ukraine becomes irrelevant. The Bear Market of 2014-2017 will start shortly, ushering in much lover prices over the next few years. If you would like to find out exactly when it starts and it’s exact internal structure, please Click Here. 

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The Extent Of China’s Credit Bubble

The chart below speaks for itself and the extent of Chinese Credit Default time bomb. Please note, this chart doesn’t include China’s so called “Shadow Banking” assets which are estimated to be at an additional $6-10 Trillion. In short, China makes US Credit Infusion by the FED look like child’s play. When China finally blows sky high, it’s defaults will be as massive at the credit expansion below. 

China Bank Assets InvestWithAlex


The Extent Of China’s Credit Bubble

The US Economy Is On Fire….Quiznos Files For Bankruptcy….Oh

I do have to admit that their sandwiches taste like crap, but that’s beside the point. Quiznos filed for bankruptcy protection for its 2,100 stores today. That comes on top of Sbarro Pizza chain filling for bankruptcy just a few days ago. A coincidence? After all, if you are to listen to Perma Bulls, the FED and our Administrations, the US economy is on fire and about to get better.

What they forgot to mention is that most of economic expansion over the last 5 years has been driven by credit expansion and speculation. This pile of debt is what’s keeping this economy afloat while artificially inflating corporate earnings. Take Quiznos for instance. They have had over $400 Million in debt spread out over 2,100 stores. That’s crazy and no company of Quiznos size can sustain such a heavy debt load. And its not just Quiznos. It’s pretty much everyone outside of massive cash cows like Apple, Google or Goldman Sachs.  

When this credit bubble finally pops, and it will, you will see a line of American companies under heave debt burden filling for bankruptcy. Quiznos and Sbaro where just the first to go. If you would be interested in learning when the bear market of 2014-2017 will start, please CLICK HERE. 

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The US Economy Is On Fire….Quiznos Files For Bankruptcy….Oh Google

First, Sbarro. Now, Quiznos.

Quiznos has filed for bankruptcy protection, five days after theSbarro pizza chain did the same.

Executives at the restaurant chain, known for its toasted sandwiches, agreed to a restructuring plan that will reduce its debt by more than $400 million, the company said in a statement Friday.

All but seven of Quizno’s 2,100 restaurants in the United States and 30 other countries are independently owned franchises, and will remain open and operating as usual.

CEO Stuart Mathis said the company will take action to help increase sales and profits for its franchise owners going forward. It will look to reduce food costs, invest in local advertising and, in some circumstances, make loans available for restaurant improvements.

74% Of Americans Believe The US Is Still In Recession

That’s staggering. Just think about it. The stock market is up over 150%, the FEDs expanded their balance sheet by over $1 Trillion, the real estate market is enjoying its “dead cat bounce”, the unemployment is down to 6.6%….yet 74% of Americans believe we are still in recession. Of course, the gains we have seen over the last 5 years have disproportionately benefited the rich due to their access to cheap credit and their ability to speculate.  

The question is, what happens when the US actually falls back into a severe recession of 2014-2017 that we are predicting here? (Based on our timing and mathematical work) 

Will the Amercian public finally turn off the “American Idol” or “The Biggest Loser” and start asking questions about the US Economy and who is responsible? That would be nice, but I have my doubts. Even some of the most sophisticated investors that I talk to do not have a grasp of what is happening within our economy or our financial markets.  As such, I would expect this cycle of boom, bust, money print, boom, bust, money print… continue for the foreseeable future. 

americans - inveswithalex

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74% Of Americans Believe The US Is Still In Recession Google


Seventy-four percent of Americans believe that the nation is still in a recession, which may be a sign that the lower and middle classes are still anxious about unemployment, the value of their homes and stagnant wages.


In a new Fox News poll, when asked “For you and your family, does it feel like the recession is over, or does it feel like the country is still in a recession?” only 22% said they believed the downturn had ended. The 74% is better than the 86% from the poll in September 2010, but only barely, if the “improvements” in gross domestic product and unemployment rates are taken into account.

The results are troubling if people’s beliefs affect their behavior. It has been assumed that as unemployment fells and home prices made a modest recovery, Americans would become more likely to be aggressive consumers. But recent data tell otherwise. Holiday sales were poor by most measures. There is little sign that the median household income of Americans has moved much above the $51,000 that the Census Bureau reported for 2012, and in real dollars this is down from a decade ago. A recent Pew study found that:

But starting in the mid- to late 1970s, the uppermost tier’s income share began rising dramatically, while that of the bottom 90% started to fall. The top 1% took heavy hits from the dot-com crash and the Great Recession but recovered fairly quickly: according to Emmanuel Saez, an economics professor at UC-Berkeley, preliminary estimates for 2012 (which will be updated next month) have that group receiving nearly 22.5% of all pretax income, while the bottom 90%’s share is below 50% for the first time ever (49.6%, to be precise).

While there is no direct link between the two studies, the results from the Pew research may help explain the Fox News poll results. Apparently, many Americans feel left behind whatever recovery has happened — or they do not believe the recovery ever happened at all. 

The Secret To Beating The Market & The Street.


Just give it up. You are not going to be able to do it. Why? Here is why…

“Virtu, a high tech, high frequency trader, makes markets in more than 10,000 securities across 210 exchanges. According to the Virtu S1, in 2013 it had revenues of $664.5 million and net income of $182 million. Virtu said it ”had only one losing trading day during the period depicted, a total of 1,238 trading days.”

Let that sink in for a second. These guys had 1 losing trading day over the last 5 years and that is who you are competing against. How is that possible? Well, in this particular case the market is rigged as Virtu is able to make a few pennies here and there with no risk. Eventually, those pennies add up to massive gains as the article above indicates. And that’s who you are competing against. Day in and day out. 

Well, that’s not entirely true. There are a few things you can do to come out on top. 

  1. Just invest an index fund and forget about it. Keep adding money on a fixed schedule, keep the cost low and you will come out way ahead. 
  2. Become a Warren Buffett type of a stock picker. Takes a lot of work, but anyone can do it. 
  3. Become a market timer. If you can predict what the stock market is going to do you going to be able to minimize risk while setting yourself up for over sized returns. 

While we used to do #2, we now specialize in #3. If you would like to learn more, please Click Here

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Happy Birthday Mr. Bull Market


The Dow Jones bottomed on March 6th, 2009 at 6,469 in a trauma type of a bottom and then surged higher. It has been surging higher ever since. I remember that day very well. The talking heads on CNBC had this “deer in the headlights scared look” wondering if they should run out to buy guns and canned tuna.

I was looking for something else. My mathematical and timing work showed that the market would bottom on March 7th around 6,550. When it was all said and done I was 1 day and 100 points away. Good enough. 

Today, the situation is reversed. Instead of looking for the bottom we are looking for the top. While most market pundits, financial advisers and money managers expect this bull market to continue for the foreseeable future, I will leave you with this…..

1924-1929, 1932-1937, 1961-1966, 1982-1987, 1994-2000, 2002-2007 – all bull markets that terminated EXACTLY at 5 years. 

Will it be the same for our 2009-2014 bull market, are we at a turning point? 

Yes, we are. If you need more information and if you need to know the exact structure of the upcoming bear market (2014-2017) please Click Here.  

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Putin To Germany: Do You Want To Use Firewood For Energy?

This is precisely why the EU will never pass any sort of a sanction against Russia. Doing so would collapse fragile EU economies. They rely way too much on Russian energy and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. 

Even though this hilarious video is a few years old it strikes at the heart of the matter. In it Putin tells German officials…..

“I don’t understand your energy policy. You are against our gas, yet you do not want to develop nuclear energy. What are you going  to use for energy? Firewood?  Guess what, you have to go and get that firewood from Siberia as well”.  (Everyone laughs).  

Will the US supply EU with natural gas, oil, etc…. if Russians decide to close the pipeline? Don’t make me laugh. And that is precisely why Putin can do whatever the hell he wants in Ukraine.  

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How Long Before All The High Flyers Crash Back To Earth

There is no shortage of stocks going absolutely crazy over the last couple of months. To the upside that is. With the likes Tesla, Google, Netflix, Green Mountain, Facebook, etc…exhibiting double and triple digit gains over the last 12 months.

Are these surges justified?

ABSOLUTELY NOT.  While is some cases the fundamentals justify the rise, for the majority of highly speculative issues the primary driver has been just that….speculation and too much cheap credit floating around. With the stock market in its final “blow off” phase and the bear market just around the corner the companies above present us with a wonderful shorting opportunity.But, not yet. When these highly speculative stocks finally break, they will do so at X market multiple, maximizing our returns. 

When?  Please check out our exact market timing forecasts here. We are almost there.  

rocket ship to the moon investiwthalex

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