Stock Market Update, January 3rd, 2014

 daily chart Jan3, 2014 

Summary: Continue to maintain a LONG/HOLD position. 

The stock market continues to “Melt Up“, setting new daily highs and in the process ending 2013 with a massive 24% gain. As of right now, the trend continues to be up.  As such, there is no change in our overall position for the time being. As my mathematical work clearly shows and as I have stated numerous times here, the bear market will start shortly. Either way, we still have to wait for a technical confirmation. 

Many bears have been emailing me lately and asking how is it possible that the market continues to go up. Something important has to be understood. The stock market traces out exact mathematical patterns as it moves over time. Meaning, the market is doing exactly what it should be doing. You see, there is a point located in both price and time that the market must hit before resuming its bear market later this year. Think of this point as a point on a map where all roads converge. The market must go there before reversing. All other fundamental and otherwise technical indicators, do not matter. It must hit that point before reversing. Such market behavior is the reason why a lot of people get hurt playing the “short term” fundamental game. 

Back to the market. My previous updates and various fundamental issues associated with the market remain right on the money. Please click on the links below to see them. 

November 22nd Report

November 15th Report. 

November 8th Report.

November 1st Report.

As we continue to hold our long position while waiting for the market reversal, right now might be a good time to start thinking about how you would liquidate your holding and/or re-allocate your capital once the bear market of 2014-2017 starts.

If you would like to take it one step further, this is a good time to start researching SHORT opportunities.  

Did you enjoy this article? If so, please share our blog with your friends as we try to get traction. Gratitude!!!  

 Stock Market Update, January 3rd, 2014

How To Make A Killing in 2014

BloombergWrites: Subprime Loans Are Boosting Car Sales

subprime car loans

A woman came into Alan Helfman’s showroom in Houston in October looking to buy a car for her daily commute. Even though her credit score was below 500, in the bottom eighth percentile, she drove away with a new Dodge Dart. A year ago, “I would’ve told her don’t even bother coming in,” says Helfman, who owns River Oaks Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram, where sales rose about 20 percent this year. “But she had a good job, so I told her to bring a phone bill, a light bill, your last couple of paycheck stubs, and bring me some down payment.”

The New York Times Writes: New Boom in Subprime Loans, for Smaller Businesses

A small, little-known company from Missouri borrows hundreds of millions of dollars from two of the biggest names in Wall Street finance. The loans are rated subprime. What’s more, they carry few of the standard protections seen in ordinary debt, making them particularly risky bets.But investors clamor to buy pieces of the loans, one of which pays annual interest of at least 8.75 percent. Demand is so strong, some buyers have to settle for less than they wanted.

A scene from the years leading up to the financial crisis in 2008? No, last month.

It’s scary how predictable human animal is from the psychological perspective. In fact, contrary to a popular believe human psychology IS the primary driver behind the stock market volatility.

Just two quick observations. First, as the articles above indicate the subprime is back in a big way. In 2003-2007 it was the real estate market, where anyone who could (and even those who couldn’t) fog a mirror could get a massive real estate loan. Today you can see the same situation in car loans and loans for small businesses. Thank god the amounts are smaller. Second, the speculative bubble and the frenzy building in the stock market. Everyone is falling over each other predicting the Dow 20,000 or up +40% in 2014. Of course, exactly at the wrong time.

Where were these people at 2009 bottom? Did any of them predict the DOW going up over +150% between 2009 and today? Of course they didn’t. They were too busy screaming that the world is about to end and we are on the verge of another great depression. Now, with credit easily flowing again, we are committing the same mistakes. Those who can take a step outside the box should now be able to see how easy it is to profit from such insanity.

As I have said so many times before, the bear market will start in 2014. Get ready to short overvalued garbage and make a killing.  

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How To Make A Killing in 2014

Stock Market Update, December 27, 2013

December 27th, 2013 chart  

Summary: Continue to maintain a LONG/HOLD position. 

The stock market continues to “Melt Up“, setting new daily highs in the process. The trend is most definitely up.  As such, there is no change in our overall position for the time being. As my mathematical work clearly shows and as I have stated numerous times here, the bear market will start in early 2014. 

From the psychological as well as the technical perspective the market is significantly overbought and is set for a pullback. People are falling all over each other calling for some sort of an Economic miracle that will propel the US over the next few decades. All of that is just noise and you shouldn’t buy into that. Simply put, this market is driven by cheap credit, speculation and structure of the market itself (timing work that I do). Yet, rest assured, the bear market is just around the corner. Short term, my work shows a significant turning point around January 1st. I would expect a significant pullback to start shortly. At the same time, it will not be the beginning of the bear market. Hence, the advice to continue holding our long position. 

My previous updates and various fundamental issues associated with the market remain right on the money. Please click on the links below to see them. 

November 22nd Report

November 15th Report. 

November 8th Report.

November 1st Report.

As we continue to hold our long position while waiting for the market reversal, right now might be a good time to start thinking about how you would liquidate your holding and/or re-allocate your capital once the bear market of 2014-2017 starts.

If you would like to take it one step further, this is a good time to start researching SHORT opportunities.  

Did you enjoy this article? If so, please share our blog with your friends as we try to get traction. Gratitude!!!  

 Stock Market Update, December 27, 2013

What You Ought To Know About Today’s Bull Orgy

Bloomberg Writes: Junk Glistens Under ‘Bernankecare’ as Worst Stocks Win

bull orgy investwithalex

Carl Giannone says he’s given up hunting for quality stocks. Now he’s simply riding the wave of upward momentum in the U.S. market. “It’s a game of musical chairs,” said Giannone, who manages an equities team at T3 Trading Group LLC in New York. “You just want to make sure you can sit down.”

The Federal Reserve’s near-zero interest rate turns five years old next month, the longest period without an increase in history. Coupled with more than $3 trillion of asset purchases, it adds up to “Bernankecare,” said Joshua Brown, chief executive officer of Ritholtz Wealth Management in New York. And it’s causing parts of the market to behave strangely. Stocks of companies with weak balance sheets are rising twice as fast as stronger ones; junk borrowers get rates lower than their investment-grade counterparts did before the credit crisis; and initial public offerings are doubling on their first day of trading.

While in the minority, some investors say prices have climbed so high it’s possible to look ahead and see an ugly end.Laurence Fink, chief executive officer of BlackRock Inc., the biggest U.S. money manager, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television on Nov. 12 that he feared a bubble and the Fed ought to quit buying so many securities.

Read The Rest Of The Article Here

Have you ever seen a real bull orgy? I haven’t, but a fathom it would be a fairly gross site to feast your eyes upon. Luckily for you can see an artificial one by turning on CNBC or reading any other kind of financial media. Bulls are salivating over each other, predicting the DOW at 20,000, 25K, 50K, to infinity and beyond. It’s quite entertaining to watch.

The article above is right on the money. At this stage everything is in the speculative bubble that will pop and it has become a game of musical chairs. However, that is not why I bring this up. I want to point your attention to a psychological breakdown of market participants. We all know the saying “Buy Low Sell High” or “Buy When There Is Blood On The Streets”, yet not a single person I know actually does it. 

Case and point, March 2009 bottom. Not a single person I know, not on TV or elsewhere advocated buying. No, they were all talking about the end of the world, how low the market will go and what stocks to short best. The blood was running on the street, the stocks were being given away and these fools couldn’t see the forest through the trees. Now the situation is completely reversed. When everyone should be selling and/or going short, everyone is screaming BUY, BUY, BUY.  It’s a fools game and if you buy today you are that fool.  I guess human psychology, the primary driver behind the stock market, will never change.

With such a backdrop it is very nice to know exactly when the Bear leg of 2014-2017 will start and the damage it will do. While Bulls are busy having their orgy, the market is getting ready for a massive haircut. You have been warned. 

Did you enjoy this article? If so, please share our blog with your friends as we try to get traction. Gratitude!!! 

Stock Market Update, December 19th, 2013

  December 19,2013 chart

Summary: Continue to maintain a LONG/HOLD position. 

The stock market continues to push higher, setting new daily highs in the process. The trend is most definitely up.  As such, there is no change in our overall position for the time being. As my mathematical work clearly shows and as I have stated numerous times here, the bear market will start in 2014. If you would like to know the exact date of the turn, I will make that information available in early 2014. 

For now, the market continues to linger around its all time highs. My previous updates and various fundamental issues associated with the market remain right on the money. Please click on the links below to see them. 

November 22nd Report

November 15th Report. 

November 8th Report.

November 1st Report.

As we continue to hold our long position while waiting for the market reversal, right now might be a good time to start thinking about how you would liquidate your holding and/or re-allocate your capital once the bear market of 2014-2017 starts.

If you would like to take it one step further, this is a good time to start researching SHORT opportunities.  

Did you enjoy this article? If so, please share our blog with your friends as we try to get traction. Gratitude!!!  

  Stock Market Update, December 19, 2013

The Secret Behind This Stock Market Run Up

 CNBC Writes: Smart Money: Smart money? Looks like it’s mom and pop

Happy bull investwithalex

For the most recent leg of the rally, it seems like the so-called smart money may not be so smart after all.

If that’s true, the smart money has been losing.

Employing even more conventional wisdom, that might suggest the market is forming a top and ready to fall, as retail investors are often thought of as the last ones to a rally.

That thinking, though, is getting challenged.

There’s no doubt the retail investor has warmed up to the market in 2013 after sitting out much of the gains since the March 2009 lows. The mom-and-pop crowd ripped just short of $300 billion out of mutual funds from the 2009 low point through the end of 2012 even as the market gained more than 110 percent during the span.

Read The Rest Of The Article

As I have mentioned in my previous posts, the overall BULLISH psychological backdrop is now at the extreme and flashing warning signs.

Various metrics aside, I see very few bears.  Even people who used to be bears and now bulls.  All popular media is overwhelmingly BULLISH. Even if the article mentions “a possible drop” such argument is immediately counter attacked by stating something to the tune of “If the market drops it would be a wonderful buying opportunity to add more stocks”.

The article above is no different. It clearly illustrates how bullish everyone is. It’s a well known fact that Retail investors are the last ones on/off and as such could not be considered as “smart money”. Over 200 years of market data teaches us that. Yet, somehow the article twists it to be so.  Simply put, neither the market nor investors can do wrong in this market.

Will this continue? I do remember seeing similar type of prevailing BULLISH psychology before, at 2000 and 2007 tops. We all know how that ended. 

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The Secret Behind This Stock Market Run Up 

PIMCO Shares a Valuable Tip

CNBC Writes: Gross: The stock market and asset prices are ‘bubbly’


Bill Gross, the co-chief investment officer of Pimco, said he thinks the stock market and “all asset prices are bubbly.”

“Bond prices, stock prices … and profit margins are bubbly to the extent that [if] any of them can be sustained, I guess, is the ultimate test,” Gross said on CNBC Wednesday.

He said the Federal Reserve‘s QE program is a “rather blunt instrument in terms of elevating, and perhaps, bubbling stock prices.”

“Margin debt is at historic levels to the extent that they want to simmer down equity prices [but] they don’t have to attack it through tapering … they can raise margin requirements.”

“The bond market is bubbly because the policy rate at 25 basis points is artificially suppressed. Investors and savers are not receiving what they have historically … in historical terms would probably be around 2 to 2.5 percent,” he said.

I have very little to add here. Mr. Gross is right on the money. I have been saying this for a while as well, everything is overpriced. Big time. The only thing I will add into the mix is my timing and mathematical work. Once again, it is predicting the beginning of a severe Bear Market that will only end  in 2016. There is no stopping it. 

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Warning: If You Listen To Financial Media…You Will Lose Money

CNBC Writes: Dow could rise 10 percent or more in 2014: Siegel

bull investiwthalex

Wharton School professor Jeremy Siegel told CNBC on Monday that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow Jones Global Indexes: .DJI) could rise 10 percent or more in 2014.

That may not be on par with this year’s roaring return but is still historically robust, he said, considering that 2013 has been an “extraordinary year” for stock gains.

“I think they are going to kick the [budget] can down the road a whole year,” Siegel said. “So that’ll be off our plate and that will be a very, very positive factor [for] first-quarter 2014.”

Read The Rest Of The Article

This post is to quickly remind you of two very important facts.

1. Most financial media is worthless. Half the time they don’t even know what they are talking about.  They continuously recycle worthless stories that have no impact on financial markets or individual stocks. As I have said many times before, news do not drive stock prices. I want you to be aware of that.

2. Never listen to teachers when it comes to real world applications. Most of them have the theory down, but that’s it. They do not have what it takes to be on Wall Street. If Mr. Siegel knew anything about the markets he would be managing money and making millions of dollars each year. Instead he teaches. Those who can…do and those who can’t….teach.

Anyway, what kind of garbage is this…..only 10%?  Why not 50% or 100%. Might as well just say that. As a matter of fact, any number will do.  The point I am trying to make and the secret I am sharing is this…..

If you listen financial media and/or take advice from those who do not directly participate in the financial markets, your money and you shall soon be separated.  

Okay, I am done bitching for today. 

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Warning: If You Listen To Financial Media…You Will Lose Money

The Secret Behind The 5-Year Cycle & The Bear Market Of 2014

Dow Jones Long Term Chart 2

There is a prominent 5 Year stock market cycle that oscillates between the bull and the bear markets. While the cycle does show up as a bear cycle at various points, for the most part this cycle is more clearly identifiable during the bull stage. Let’s take a quick look. More importantly, let’s see what does this cycle can tell us about the future. (We are looking at the DOW)

  1. 1982-1987 From 1982 bear market bottom to pre crash 1987 the cycle lasted exactly 263 week and moved up 1977 points. That is exactly 5 Years + 10 trading days.
  2. 1994-2000 From 1994 bottom on 11/23/1994 to 01/14/2000 the market advanced 8296 points in exactly 1298 trading days. So, this cycle lasted 5 Years +32 trading days.
  3. 2002-2007 From 2002 bottom  on 10/10/2002 to 10/11/2007 top the market advanced 7209 points in exactly 1259 trading days or EXACTLY 5 years.
  4. 2009-2013/14  From 2009 bottom on 03/06/2009 to 9/18/2013 (or march 2014)  the market advanced 9241 points in 1144 days (so far).

AMAZING, isn’t it? I mean we are talking about exact hits. Bottom to top. If you go back and study the market before 1982 you will find the same cycle showing up again and again. The slight deviation by a few trading days at the end of each cycle is caused by other cycles arriving around the same time. Just by knowing this one 5 year cycle you can predict what the market will do and beat 95% of the pros.  

Now, let me warn you. This cycle is not as easy as just timing the 5 year period of time. There is something behind the scenes that causes this cycle to happen. As of right now, I cannot discuss what causes this in the public forum, but the chart above doesn’t lie. Just more prove that the market can be predicted to the day.

I confirm that another 5 year cycle has indeed started at March 2009 bottom. It is due to complete in March of 2014. However, my other work is showing that the DOW has probably already topped in September of 2013.  There is a lot of interference right now.  

As such, this leads me to believe that the DOW will oscillate here over the next few months until some sort of a top is set in March of 2014 (maybe a little bit higher or lower than September 2013 top). Thereafter, the market should resume its bear market and go down hard into the 2016/17 lows. 

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The Secret Behind 5-Year Cycle & The Bear Market Of 2014

Warning: The Markets Can Easily Be Predicted

Bloomberg Writes: The Enduring Mystery of Financial Markets


Unfortunately, decades after the three economists had their groundbreaking insights, the crucial question remains unanswered: Can policymakers know with any certainty when markets are dangerously out of line, and is there anything they can do about it?

Economists can’t be expected to predict the future. But they should be able to identify threatening trends and to better understand the conditions that can turn a change in prices into a financial tsunami.

Read The Rest Of The Article Here

Once again, I do not understand why everyone claims that it is so hard to do. The Economy and its bubbles are very easy to see and predict.  For example, you could have looked at 2002-2007 period and have easily determined or came to a conclusion that there was a huge real estate and mortgage finance bubble developing.  When it would collapse, it would take down the entire economy, multiple financial institutions and our financial markets.

No crazy or complicated economic models needed. This is fairly basic and common sense stuff. Same thing applies to today’s environment. While the majority of the economist do not see any present issue either in the economy or the financial markets, they are there.  The majority of economic growth and market recovery over the last couple of years has been driven by an insane amount of credit pumped into our economy by the Fed through a multitude of channels.

Now the economy and the financial markets will have to pay for such a mismanagement by dropping over the next few years (as my timing work indicates). As the Fed perpetuates this cycle of boom and bust by dumping a lot of credit into the economy I remain puzzled why it is so hard to see by most economist and others participating in the financial markets. If you take conflict of interest out of the picture, this becomes very basic. 

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Warning: The Markets Can Easily Be Predicted