What Cuban Missile Crisis Can Teach Us About The Nuclear World War 3

cuban blockade


Continuation from yesterday…….On October 24th, 1962 a convoy of Soviet ships was steaming towards a Cuban port.  In their wake laid a large contingent of the US vessels enforcing the blockade. Everyone was on edge. If the Soviet ships where to cross the blockade line, they would likely have sparked a military confrontation that could have quickly escalated to an all out nuclear exchange. The sense of doom was in the air. So much so that the U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara was quoted as saying “I thought it was the last Saturday I would ever see.”

A few days prior, on October  14th, 1962, a U-2 spy plane flying over Cuba discovered nuclear missile sites under constructions. Missiles that would have had the capability of reaching the US within minutes. President Kennedy immediately gathered a small group of senior officials to debate the crisis. Known as ExComm, the group met continuously for the next two weeks. Deeply divided between those who wanted a peaceful political solution and those demanding that President Kennedy uses the opportunity to strike at the Soviet Union first.

Eight days later, Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba while putting all of the U.S. military forces on DEFCON 3. The US B-52 bombers were placed on the highest state of alert, Polaris class submarines were told to expect launch orders and ICBMs were prepared for their countdown sequence. President Kennedy’s adversary Nikita Khrushchev responded by putting Warsaw Pact military forces (Soviet Military Machine) on full battle alert. The U.S. was forced by respond with DEFCON 2.

As the Soviet ships appeared on the horizon the stage was set. If they were to cross the blockade line, the nuclear war was imminent. In fact, both the Soviet Union and the US bombers were already in flight to their respective targets. Both Kennedy and Khrushchev had their finger on the proverbial red button in the highest stakes game of chicken ever played. The world was just a few minutes away from an all out nuclear inhalation.

One simple mistake, one miscommunication, one shot, one dirty look, one wrong word, one loss of communication, one lost nerve or one person buckling under an immense amount of pressure is all that stood between peace and an all out nuclear war.

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The Nuclear War Developments To Anticipate Over The Next 20 Years

nato expansion

Continuation from Friday…….Most people react in one of two ways when they first hear about my prediction. The first group dismisses me with outmost disrespect. They challenge my credibility, call me really nasty names and assure me that in today’s world any nuclear conflict is simply impossible.  In fact, I am certain that at least half of this group believes that I do most of my writing from a mental asylum.

As accurate as their presumption might be, the other half of folks try to assure me that the war is coming much sooner than 2029 and that it has already started.  Believing that the war will come out of the Middle East and Israel.  While it would be impossible to address all of such issues, allow me to leave you with the following thoughts on the subject matter.

First, my time cycle work is as accurate as anyone can get to making future predictions.  After working with such cycles for over 10 years, both long-term and short-term, I have not seen them miss once and I don’t believe they will start now.  And that is going all the way back to 1776.  Second, while wars can spring out over a very short period of time and seemingly out of nowhere, the conditions must right. Such conditions call for a significant amount of discontent and hate between the parties.  While the relationship between the US and Russia/China is heading downhill, it is far from being in a critical phase.  We need another 10-20 years to fully nurture the hate between the parties and to brainwash the populations.


Here are the developments we have to look for over the next 20 years.

  • The relationship between the USA and Russia will deteriorate significantly.
  • NATO will continue with its attempts to move right next to the Russian border.  Further destabilizing the region in the process.
  • Western Media and political leaders will continue to accelerate their propaganda portrayal of Russia as an “Evil Empire” with a madman (Putin) at the helm.  Putin will portray the US in the very same fashion.
  • China will face a massive financial crisis due to its housing, shadow banking, credit and economic bubbles. Resulting unrest might lead to an all out regime change.
  • China will continue to exert its dominance in the South Pacific Region while building a powerful military machine. Pushing the US and China relationship to a new low.
  • The relationship between Russia and China will continue to improve.
  • Russia and China will be forced to form military alliance to counterbalance NATO.

As soon as points above are fulfilled, particularly the last one, know that the war is drawing closer. In the next section we will take a brief look at how the war might start.

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What Will Happen When The US Inflates Away Chinese Debt


Continuation from yesterday……..If you are unaware, the US owes China $1.3 Trillion. With the US National Debt at over $17 Trillion, the US is one recession away from not being able to cover its interest payments. In a nutshell, the US doesn’t have the money to repay the Chinese. The only way out of this mess is for the US is to inflate its currency away. The FEDs have been trying to do just that over the last 10 years, thus far, without too much success.  Mostly due to a number of deflationary forces within the economy.

Based on my stock market timing and mathematical work, that is about to change. The FED will be successful in getting real inflation going after 2017. Slow at first, much faster after 2022. Basically, the US Government and the FED will be able to inflate away China’s $1.3 Trillion (or more) over the next 10-20 years.

That might not be a problem if China didn’t face a massive economic slowdown of their own.  Sparked by malinvestment, a massive housing bubble, an immense shadow banking sector and a host of other issues.  When commenced China’s financial crisis will take decades to fully play out and it will, in no uncertain terms, devastate the Chinese economy. The Chinese leaders will need someone to blame in front of their population and since the US will inflate its $1.3 Trillion away, China will point its finger where it belongs. Rightfully so.  Understandably, this will cause significant friction between the US and China.  In fact, it is highly probable that this economic issue will act as the major trigger point that will eventually set this Nuclear World War 3 off.


As recent developments in Ukraine have clearly illustrated, the relationship between the USA and Russia can go from a “good working relationship” to the “brink of hostilities” in a matter of months. With both Russia and China increasingly seeing the USA and NATO as an invading and a hostile force, it becomes a matter of time before China and Russia announce a formal military alliance to counterbalance NATO.  That is the primary reason as to why the macroeconomic and geopolitical issues between China/Russia and the USA/NATO will becomes a major trigger point.  In fact, we will see most of the issues above come under increased scrutiny over the next few years. They will not get better. They will continue to deteriorate until the initial stages of the war are triggered around 2029.

To Be Continued On Monday……(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

cold war 2 investwithalex

Continuation from yesterday……...In other words, both Russia and China are fed up with the US and NATO at this point in time. Further, given today’s geopolitical and macroeconomic situation there is very little hope for the situation to improve. Quite the opposite.  It is highly probable that the US relationship with both countries will continue to deteriorate as all 3 superpowers fight for their own interests.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”

If you are unaware, China and Russia are both “ex-communist” countries that have a long history of working together.  Until China reluctantly opened up its doors to the West after Richard Nixon’s visit in 1972, it was always expected that China and the Soviet Union would stand together. Vietnam War, North Korea, Communism Ideology, etc…. In fact, it wouldn’t be at all wrong to describe China and Russia having a “brotherly” relationship. You consistently see the evidence of that at the United Nations, where Russia and China tend to support each other on important international issues.

Most recently, while both the US/Russia and the US/China relationships have been strained, the relationship between Russia and China has never been better. In May of 2014 Russia and China signed the biggest ever gas and oil deal valued at more than $400 Billion.  Around the same time Russia and China conducted joint naval drills. Further, the working relationship between President Putin and President Xi Jinping is incredibly strong.  In other words, both Russia and China see their close ties and their ever improving relationship as a must to counterbalance the US and NATO.

In conclusion, both China and Russia are fed up with the US. On multiple levels. As the US and China/Russia relationship continues to deteriorate over the next 10-15 years, Russia and China will, once again, be forced to form an alliance. With the US and NATO flexing its military muscles on the Russian and the Chinese border, the alliance between Russia and China will eventually become a military alliance similar to NATO.

Economic Reasons:

Most wars are triggered by economics, not ideology For example, the Civil War was fought over the cotton trade and not slavery, the Revolutionary War was fought over excessive taxes and not the British rule and the WWII was triggered by an economic depression and war repatriations in Germany in the 1920s and the 1930s.

If you are unaware, the US owes China $1.3 Trillion. With the US National Debt at over $17 Trillion, the US is one recession away from not being able to cover its interest payments. In a nutshell, the US doesn’t have the money to repay the Chinese. The only way out of this mess is for the US is to inflate its currency away. The FEDs have been trying to do just that over the last 10 years, thus far, without too much success.  Mostly due to a number of deflationary forces within the economy.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….(Why Am I Seeing This On  A Financial Website?)


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Why China Is Furious With The USA As Well

china fuck investwithalex2

Continuation from yesterday…….The major point to take away from our Russia Vs. the USA discussion is as follows. Russia is fed up with the US for a number of reasons. First, the Russian leadership and top military commanders see NATO’s expansion up to the Russian border as a declaration of war.  The US meddling in Ukraine, Georgia and even Belarus over the last 5 years is a clear indication of that.  Second, the US keeps lecturing Russia on what to do and how to do it. Since no one likes being lectured, Putin is not only fed up with the US foreign policy, he is furious with it. His televised speech on March 18th, 2014 proves that without a shadow of a doubt.  Finally, with the US hitting Russia with multiple rounds of sanctions throughout 2014, the Russian leadership, media and population clearly decry such actions as a form of economic warfare. Rightfully so.

When we combine the factors above we can safely conclude that the Cold War 2 is now in full swing.  What’s more, we can anticipate Putin to remain in power in Russia for as long as he wants. Therefore, for as long as the US continues with this foreign policy against Russia, a policy that is unlikely to change anytime soon, the US relationship with Russia will continue to deteriorate. So much so that at a certain point it will be too late for either party to prevent the Nuclear World War 3 from happening.

China finds itself in a very similar situation. If you have ever been to China, you very well know that Chinese are very proud people. Just as Americans are. Yet, America cannot help itself but to shove it’s god given “Righteousness”, democracy and politics down the Chinese throats.  One thing is certain.  This policy infuriates the Chinese to no end.  Plus, China sees itself as a rising global superpower who is trying to assert its presence in the region through its military buildup, only to be constantly undermined by the US directly or with the help of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines.

While many will argue that China is acting out as a big bully against its less powerful neighbors, and that might very well be the case, one thing is certain. China feels powerful enough to challenge the US directly by suggesting, in no uncertain terms, that the US should get out of the South Pacific region. With the latest threat occurring in May of 2014 when Beijing accused the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel of threats and intimidation. Here is just a brief summary of the conversation.

The US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel: “In recent months, China has undertaken destabilizing, unilateral actions asserting its claims in the South China Sea.  The US will not look the other way when fundamental principles of the international order are being challenged”.

The Deputy Chief of Staff of the Chinese Army, Lieutenant-General Wang Guanzhong responded with: “We firmly oppose any nation’s use of intimidation, coercion, or the threat of force to assert these claims. I felt that Secretary Hagel’s speech is full of hegemonism, threat and intimidation.”

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Why China Is Furious With The USA As Well Google

Why Russia Will Go Into War Over Ukraine

nato expansionContinuation from yesterday……

Political Reasons for the War:

We don’t have to go very far to see the tensions between Russia and the US -or- China and the US.  All we have to do is turn the TV on. As I write this today, the relationship between Russia and the US had cooled to the point we haven’t seen since the 1980s or before the Soviet Union broke up.  And while the two superpowers continue to position themselves throughout the world, the situation in Ukraine requires further attention as it clearly displays the power struggle between Russia, the US and NATO.

Just a few days ago the tragedy of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 struck over Ukraine.  And despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, the Western World and the Western Media were very quick to condemn Russia for the attack. Certainly before any investigation can begin and in many cases just 10 minutes after the crash had occurred. With very little physical, radar and other verifiable evidence, the President of the United States had the audacity to blame Russia and Mr. Putin directly for the crime committed over the skies of Ukraine.  A troubling trend that relies entirely on the “Believe Us” premise so often used by corrupt politicians. While it is highly probable that we will never know who shot down Flight 17, the incident clearly displays just how much the US and Russia relationship had deteriorated and just how close NATO and Russia are to getting involved in an all out conflict.

To most, Ukraine might appear as an irrelevant nation somewhere in the Eastern Europe. To the US, NATO and Russia it is of incredible importance. As the NATO expansion picture above illustrated, NATO continues its eastward expansion and now sits directly on the Russian border at multiple locations in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.  As it is right now, many high ranking Russian military generals see this expansion right up to the Russian border as a clear declaration of war by NATO.

That is why NATO’s push for Ukraine becomes so important. If the Western powers and NATO are able to get a major foothold in Ukraine and eventually have Ukraine join the EU and NATO, that in itself would  deal a major defeat to Russia.  NATO would now have a massive border with Russia and it would, in theory, be able to deploy a missile shield rendering Russian nuclear forces obsolete.  In other words, the conflict in Ukraine is a lot more complex and a lot more important than most people are led to believe.  Basically, it is a conflict that Russia cannot afford to lose and it is likely to go into an all out war to make sure Ukraine remains under Russia’s influence.

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What Does World War 3 Have To Do With September 11th, 2001

In cartoon: Ukraine in crisis

Continuation from Friday…..While most people are aware of singular events throughout history, they often have a difficult time connecting events all the way back to their origin. September 11th, 2001 presents us with a perfect case study. And while most people believe that the crimes that were perpetrated on that day had originated in the late 1990’s, the actual trigger point had occurred much earlier than that.  In 1979 to be exact.

Let us now follow this chain of events from the start.

  • The US and the Soviet Union continue on with their proxy and covert wars throughout the world (1945-1979). In the late 1970s, the Middle East region becomes increasingly important.
  • In the late 1970’s Afghanistan goes through a number of rapid regime changes.  A number of Soviet politicians are captured and decapitated by “Islamic Militants”
  • The Red Army floods over the border in 1979, the Afghans are no match for the Soviet military machine.
  • Hundreds of thousands of Mujahedeen flood into Afghanistan from all over the Middle East to fight in the name of Allah and against the Soviet “nonbelievers”.
  • The Soviet Union proceeds to level the country over the next 5 years. The Mujahedeen forces are decimated. The Red Army is nearly in full control of the country.
  • In 1986, the CIA introduces Stinger Missile system to Afghanistan as it begins to supply the Mujahedeen with the weapon. It’s a game changer. Soviet planes and helicopters start to drop from the sky, reversing the tide of the war.
  • With the financial, arms and logistics support from the US, Osama Bin Laden quickly rises through the ranks to become one of the leaders within the Mujahedeen movement.
  • The USA drops Afghanistan and any support for the Mujahedeen, like a hot potato, as soon as the Soviet Union decided to withdraw from Afghanistan in 1988-1989. Enraging Osama Bin Laden in the process.
  • The Gulf War. The US sends a large contingent of troops to be stationed in Saudi Arabia in the 1990.  Osama Bin Laden becomes further enraged and vows to wage war against the US.
  • Between 1990 and 2000 Osama Bin Laden launches a number of smaller terrorist attacks against the US and its interests.
  • September 11th, 2001.

Point being, September 11th, 2001 didn’t come out of the blue. A direct lineage to that horrible event can be traced back to at least 1979 and the power struggle between the US and the Soviet Union.  The World War II can be easily traced back to the World War I in the very same fashion.  In fact, historians who can see such lineages should be incredibly concerned of what is happening between the US and Russia at the present moment.

To be continued tomorrow……. (Why Am I Seeing This Post On A Financial Website?)

P.S. Boy…….I wonder how many keyword red flags this post set off at the NSA.

Why The War In Ukraine Will Be The Trigger Point For Nuclear World War 3

In cartoon: Ukraine in crisisSpeaking of China, a fascinating story that shows, once again, how immense wars can appear out of nowhere and literally overnight.  Taiping Rebellion, a massive civil war in the Southern China that was fought between 1850-1864 was just as incredible in its origin as it was infamous for the amount of bloodshed that it had spilled.  Yet, despite being one of the bloodiest conflicts in the human history, with 20-40 million people dead, very little is known about it in the western world. Perhaps because the origin of the conflict is so unbelievable.

On what surely was a beautiful morning sometime in the 1850, Hong Xiuquan, a Chinese peasant woke up from an interesting dream.  In that dream he learned that he was Jesus’ younger brother. Taking this dream at face value, Hong forged a giant “demon slaying sword” and then went on a rampage civil war against the Qing Dynasty and even the British. Capturing a large territory and ruling over 30 million people.  Proving, once again, that human stupidity and thirst for bloodshed knows no bounds.

…back to the WW3.

If you live in the USA, NATO’s build up on the Russian border would be equivalent to either Russia or China opening a number of massive military bases either on the Mexican or on the Canadian border.  Surely, if such action was to occur, it is highly probable that the US would see this move by either Russia or China as a declaration of war.  It is unclear why the US Government, the US Industrial Military complex and NATO don’t believe that the same rules apply to them when they begin to play in somebody else’s backyard.

Point being, there is only so far the US and NATO can push Russia before Russia snaps back.  That is why today’s war in Ukraine is so significant. In simple terms, it is a proxy war between the US and Russia. It is a war that the US has no reason in fighting and it is a war that Russia cannot afford to lose.  While the majority of the US population remains blissfully unaware, only one question must be asked. What is the US Government doing in a small “Russian Empire” nation that is 6,000 miles away from the closest American shore?  Is it bringing freedom, liberty, rainbows and unicorns to the Ukrainian people? If you truly believe that, please give me a call as I have some stock to sell you.

Why is this so important? Answering this question in a proper fashion is crucial to understanding why the Nuclear World War 3 will develop.  Whatever your political or nationalistic affiliations are, all conflicts develop in the same fashion. Typically there is a aggravating or an invading force that sets things in motion. Basically, today’s war in Ukraine will be viewed as a trigger point for how things will unfold over the next 15 to 20 years.  That’s how long it often takes for things to boil over.

To Be Continued On Monday…....(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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The Reason Why NATO Will Lead The US Into A Devastating War

nato expansionContinuation from yesterday……That is the situation we are facing today. Yet, it is safe to assume that things will deteriorate even further over the next decade between the USA and Russia/China.

This type of an unrest is not coincidental. What most people don’t realize is that the conflicts above are being perpetuated by the 3 major superpowers.  The US, Russia and China. The EU is involved as well, but to a smaller extent. The countries above are jockeying for position in the fight for limited natural resources and in attempt to stem their ever increasing irrelevance.  For instance, the wars in Ukraine and Syria have nothing to do with “freedom and liberty” for Syrians or Ukrainians and have everything to do with a proxy war between Russia and the US. As both countries try to either maintain or exert their influence in the region.

We are also beginning to see the same type of a behavior from China.  China sees the South Pacific as their turf. Yet, with the US projecting their military might with the help of the Philippines, Japan and Taiwan, the Chinese government is beginning to act out. This situation is likely to deteriorate further over the next decade until one of two things happen. Either the US will leave the region or China and the US will get into some sort of a military conflict. Since the US will never abandon their allies in the region, we can already ascertain the most likely outcome.

Fundamental Reasons For The War: 

To further comprehend what will happen over the next 15-20 years we must first have a better understanding of the parties involved. Let’s begin by taking a look at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

NATO is a military alliance organization that consists of 28 countries. You can see the full list HERE.  It’s membership consists mostly of the EU countries and North America. Obviously, the US is the largest superpower, force multiplier and policy driver. More or less, the treaty works in the following way. If any of the NATO members are attacked, all other members must provide military support, assistance and equipment. Basically, if any of the member states are attacked, the entire NATO goes into war. NATO was originally created to counterbalance Soviet Russia after the World War 2.

As was mentioned earlier, over the last 20 years NATO has been on quite an expansion drive, pushing closer and closer to the Russian border.  For reasons that shall remain “officially” unknown. As the picture above illustrates, NATO has been able to penetrate a number of the former Soviet Union states and satellite countries and now finds itself right next to the Russian border.  While a number of fictitious reasons are typically given, to mask the expansion, the reality has to do with the nuclear shield that NATO and the US would like to build around Russia. Rendering Russian nuclear forces obsolete. Understandably, Russia is furious with NATO’s expansion.

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Why The World War 3 Is Coming

war board games

Continuation from yesterday…… 

Why Will the War Start? All wars repeat in cycles. In the preceding chapter I have identified a clear 84 year cycle associated with all of the major American (USA) wars. With the Nuclear World War 3 being just 15 years away, I believe it is important to understand what fundamental factors will set things in motion.  Understanding such benchmarks will help us keep close tabs on exactly when the war will start.  And while some people might assume that this gives us enough time to prevent the war from happening, unfortunately, real life doesn’t work that way. Based on my stock market work, the future is predetermined and cannot be altered by “spiritually unconscious” population. Simply put, the war is coming and cannot be stopped.

Further, as I write this in July of 2014, it appears that that most of world’s geopolitical and macroeconomic factors are already lining up to usher in the war.  Let’s take a quick look at what is happening in the world today …..

  • Israel is fighting another war in Gaza.
  • Civil wars in Syria and Ukraine.
  • Iraq is about to fall in the hands of a terrorist organization ISIS. Afghanistan will follow the same scenario in a few years time.  Both countries will face catastrophic civil wars.
  • NATO is pushing closer and closer to the Russian border. Russia blames the US and the EU for being directly responsible for financing the unrest in Ukraine.  In order to expand NATO even closer to Russia.
  • The US is readying the next round of unilateral sanctions against Russia.
  • Russia responds by getting further involved in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine.
  • Russia reopens its spy base in Cuba to spy on the US.
  • Cold War 2 between Russia and the US is accelerating.
  • China is trying to establish its dominance in the South Pacific region by bullying the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan and Taiwan.
  • China has already told the US, in no uncertain terms, to get out of the South Pacific region.
  • China and Russia are already aligning their interest through their military cooperation and the biggest oil/gas deal that was signed between the countries in the mid 2014.
  • Massive speculative stock market bubbles throughout the world and an upcoming financial crisis.

And that’s just the beginning as things will continue to deteriorate on all fronts.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….


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