7 Replies to “The Bear Market Of 2014-2017 – Infographic”

  1. Hi, it seems that you’re quite sure about the top in March this year. I also share your opinion but have 2 questions:
    1. Do you think about starting of the bear trend earlier, like the end of February?
    2. There’s another case here – massive money outflow from Asian economies into EU&USA, especially “dirty money” . And what about the aggressive action from BoJ which devalues the yen and pumping indexes up? Their pension funds are among the biggest in the world and if they start transferring money from risk free to risky assets (stocks) then maybe we won’t see any meltdown very soon, maybe some 5-10% corrections. To resume, I’m on the bear side of this market but Japanese scares me.

    1. Hi Bobby,

      Please read the verbal version of the infographic here. I think it will answer a lot of your questions. I do not anticipate a collapse and I have been saying that the stock market topped out on December 31st, 2013. If you would like to get exact forecast, please consider our premium section. You can learn more about it here.

      I used to be a fundamental guy, so I understand your concerns. My answer would be…..don’t worry about it. The market will do what the market must do. It will trace out it’s exact structure. This upcoming bear market will not be fast. It will be similar to 2000-2003. I hope this helps.

      1. thank you alex for the quick answer, I’m trading fx so I share your opinion about USD and I’m long Yen through some xxx/jpy short positions which is heavy correlated with world main indexes. I use to trade stocks but mainly at ex Yugoslavia exchanges (which collapsed) and now only currencies. I use FA for the overall picture and TA for timing the entry, but the most important thing is catching the sentiment at the markets and in the public. I’ve read your analyses about real P/E at US markets and congratulations about finding the bug ( much higher p/e that actual numbers) in the system. At the end one philosophical question/thinking: if the markets, and so the humans which makes the markets are predetermined by some forces which affects their behavior, doesn’t that means that the free will is absent here? And the free will is the most precious(and obvious)gift that mankind have. Or the back bone of your view is that besides the free will, we humans mostly behave in some well known patterns which are not so difficult to predict? Anyway, yesterday I find your web site an it seems quite different that most other analyses which are based mostly on TA which means two dimensional in your language 🙂 . So you have my attention here and I’ll stick around.

        1. Hi Bobby,

          Thanks for your message. In terms of your question… is my 2 cents. Yes, we have free will. But most people are unaware of it. Meaning, most people tend to move towards the group. When people move as a group, cycles continue to repeat. Wars, economies, stock markets, etc… I see it clearly in my work. Another way to look at this is as follows. Life is governed by cycles. Yet, most people are unaware of it. They think life is random. So, until they become aware and conscious of the fact, they will be under such cyclical control. I am not sure if that answers your question, but I hope it helps. – Alex

          1. yes it helps and thank’s again for sharing your opinion. I think what we are seeing today is a part of a final blow to up side in the markets (so yen pairs) and then..the fat lady will start singing 🙂
            there’s huge amount of debt in the world and it has to be payed – with money, which means in the following period/years the cash (USD) would be the king.

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