The Day Everyone In Washington Went Nuts, Quite Literally

2/7/2019 – A negative day with the Dow Jones down 220 points (-0.87%) and the Nasdaq down 87 points (-1.18%) 

The stock market remains at an incredibly important juncture. Things are about to accelerate in an unexpected way. If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here. 

Just when you think the fools in Washington cannot possibly get any more insane, they go on to defy the odds. Let’s start with media darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)

AOC “New Green Deal” Stunningly Absurd: Far More Ridiculous Than Expected

Not to be outdone, Nuclear War proponent and top American diplomat Mike Pompeo made sure that the Trump Administration will not lose this “Nutso” game to a freshman congresswoman.

Pompeo Claims Hezbollah “Active In Venezuela” To Justify Possible US Intervention

And just so the US population does not lose plot, later in his Fox interview, the former CIA director described Maduro as “evil” and insisted the US was intervening on behalf of ordinary Venezuelans who have suffered under his rule.

In other words, yet another “humantiarian” coup under US auspices.

“We should not permit a country in our hemisphere to treat its own people this way,” he said, despite Washington’s – and the CIA’s – dismal track record of fomenting government overhauls in the region. “American values – America’s, not only our interests but our values – are at stake here.”

It wasn’t clear just which values he was referring to.

I don’t even know anymore. Should one laugh or cry, perhaps cry while laughing, hysterically? I give up.

Luckily, you don’t have to guess what the stock market will do next under such extreme conditions. If you would like to find out exactly what the stock market will do next, in both price and time, based on our timing and mathematical work, please Click Here.

Please Note: Our latest call was a direct hit. While everyone was panicking our work projected an important bottom on December 27th (+/- 1 trading day) on the Dow at 21,725 (+/- 50 points). An actual bottom was put in place on December 26th at 21,713.
