The Secret Behind How The Stock Market Works (Part 5)

Let’s take a quick look at a real stock market example to see the amazing precision this technique offers us.

Long Term Dow Structure2 

I cannot overstate how amazing this chart is. Just a few points. 

  • As we have already discussed, the move between 1994 bottom and 2000 top was 11,832 3-DV UNITS. The Dow topped at exactly 11,866 in January of 2000. Amazing!!! 
  • The up move between 1994 bottom and 2000 top was 11,832 3-DV UNITS. The down move between 2000 top and 2002 bottom was 6,483 3-DV UNITS. When you combine both values together you end up with a value of 18,315 3-DV UNITS. The move took 9 years. 
  • The up move between 2002 bottom and 2007 top was 10,156 3-DV UNITS. The down move between 2007 top and 2009 bottom was 8,137 3-DV UNITS. When you combine both values together you end up with a value of 18,293 3-DV UNITS.  The move took 7 years. 

So, the combined move took 16 years and there was only 22 3-DV UNITS of variance between the moves.  This variance over the 16 year period of time can be attributed to as little as 2 trading days and a few hundred points on the Dow.  This example alone should put to rest all claims that the stock market is random and unpredictable. Once again, when we identify the exact structure of the stock market through using our 3-Dimensional analysis we can time the market with great precision. 

For example, if we understand the structure above we know that the move between 2002 bottom and 2007 bottom will be identical in 3-DV UNITS to the move between 1994 bottom and 2002 bottom.  Just by having this information alone one should be able to figure out the stock market with great precision.  Further,  once we have hit the  from 2007 top and analyst using this technique knows that the upcoming down move will be exactly 8,127 3-DV UNITS. (18283-10156=8,127)

The only thing left to figure out at that stage is the angle or the velocity of the upcoming decline. Multiple ways will be shown to figure out that inflection point over the next few chapters, but for now let’s assume that this information is already available. That would mean that once the 2007 top is confirmed you would know exactly where the market would bottom.  So, while everyone is freaking out in late 2008 and early 2009 you are either shorting the market and making a lot of money or you are setting yourself up for the upcoming bull market that you know will start in March of 2009.

Either way, I hope this clearly illustrates how powerful this 3-Dimensional analysis can be. Also, please keep in mind that the example above is just a tiny sample of the information available to you once the 3-Dimensional analysis is performed. 

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