US Suffers A Stunning Defeat In Iraq. Al Qaida About To Take Baghdad

american humvee

After a decade long war, hundreds of billions of dollars wasted, tens of thousands of American causalities (killed or wounded) and close to a million civilian deaths……the Iraq war is now lost.  Well, that is unless the US wants to re-invade again. Iraq Sunni militant group vows to march on Baghdad 

The outcome?

Al Quaida is ridding in style in American Humvees, stealing over $400 Million of the US taxpayers money (so far) and taking over American made weapons. Iraq is now 10 times worst than it was under Sadam and Syria/Iraq are now failed states run by nutcases and terrorist who will use it to stage future terror attacks on the US. What’s worst, this was predicted by a number of people even before the war started, yet ignored by Washington and the military industrial complex. Give it a few years and you will see this happen in Afghanistan as well.

Perhaps it’s time for the American people to start asking some serious questions and stop threatening every other nation with either sanctions or force. Than again, I think the American Idol is on tonight….so maybe next week.


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