Timing The Market With Cycles


Thus far we have looked at the3-Dimensional stock market analysis as the primary tool in predicting the stock market or individual stocks in both price and time. Yet, there is another way to perform the same type of analysis.  It is called cycle work.

At the same time it is not the typical cycle work associated with the stock market. Relatively speaking cycle analysis has been around for as long as the stock market has been opened. People have been using various cycle constructs to try and predict the market.  Thus far without too much luck. Any analyst working with trying to time the markets through the use of cycle work would soon tell you that at times his cycles work perfectly fine, being able to predict the market with great accuracy and at times, they don’t work at all.  Believe it or not, there is a reason for it and that reason will be discussed in greater detail shortly.  

However, before we go any further we need to define what cycle analysis really means. In traditional sense of the word, it means studying various time cycles and then trying to apply them towards the stock market.  The simplest form of such exercise is identifying one market cycle and then trying to fit it into your market forecast. As a hypothetical example, an analyst studying NASDAQ market structure is able to determine that all stocks in the index go up for 14 trading days and then decline for 5 trading days. Then they go up for another 8 trading days and then decline for next 3 trading days. Thereafter, the cycle repeats itself indefinitely.

Of course, no such cycles exist, but it gives you an idea of how you should think about cycles. On a more complex level an analyst might put together hundreds of various cycles in order to try and predict not only the time but the value of the move.  While such cycle analysis is fairly complex, it does produce interesting and sometimes incredibly accurate results. The keyword is….sometimes.

Which begs the question, why does cycle analysis only works on limited basis?

The simple answer has to do with the 3-Dimensional analysis discussed in the previous section. The cycles do not work very well or they do break down after a certain period of time because they are being applied in the wrong medium. In this case, the 2-Dimensional chart of price moving over time. As mentioned earlier in the book, the 2-Dimensional chart construct is nothing more than a shadow of the real stock market movement. As you can imagine, no proper outcome can come from studying the shadow as opposed to studying the real move.

At the same time, when we apply cycle analysis to the 3-Dimensional construct of the market we begin to see a completely different picture. We begin to see periodicity in the cycle analysis that can be used to predict the markets with great accuracy. Not only that, but we gain a further understanding of how the markets truly works. Let me give you an example.

To be continued…… 

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Timing The Market With Cycles