Trump’s State Of The Union Confirms – US Government Is Insane

Two points of view from fairly smart people that come to the same conclusion

Trump’s Speech: An Assessment From Paul Craig Roberts 

As this is the very last thing a sane government would want, I have concluded that the US government is insane.

This fact should disturbe us far more than anything else. Yet, as I, Stephen Cohen and a few others have emphasized, the rapidity with which Washington is pushing us to nuclear Armageddon receives no attention.

It is equally disconcerting that Trump, himself a target of an ongoing coup to remove him from office, has given his support to a coup to remove the elected president of Venezuela and to replace him with an unelected American stooge who declared himself to be president.

That Trump is conspiring against Maduro exactly as the corrupt Obama conspired against the elected presidents of Hondras and Ukraine leads me to see poetic justice in the Democrat Party’s conspiracy against Trump.

