US Congress and Senate Is Full Of Vomit

Yahoo News Write: U.S. lawmakers unite in fury over Putin’s op-ed in New York Times

crazy mccane


It’s not every day that an opinion piece in The New York Times simultaneously insults the Republican speaker of the House and nearly causes the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to  “vomit.”

But that’s exactly what happened when Russian President Vladimir Putin penned an article calling for the U.S. government, which is considering launching a military strike on Syria for alleged war crimes, to use restraint in the Middle East. In his piece, Putin also took issue with part of President Barack Obama’s national address on Syria on Tuesday night, which made the case for military action and praised “American exceptionalism.”

“It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation,” Putin wrote.

“I was at dinner,” New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez said on CNN after he read the piece. “And I almost wanted to vomit.”

Other lawmakers were equally blunt.

“I was insulted,” House Speaker John Boehner told reporters on Thursday morning. “I’ve probably already said more than I should have said, but you’ve got the truth.”

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain called Putin’s piece an “insult to the intelligence of every American.”

Read The Rest Of The Article Here


Yesterday, President of Russia, Vladimir Putin sent an open letter to the American people published by The New York Times.  You Can Read The Letter Here. As a matter of fact, I challenge you to read the letter before you continue. 

Let’s put away any sticking points or special interest between Russia and the US for a second. Yes, you can argue it is a divergence and Russia is playing their own game, but stick with me for a second.

Shockingly enough, Putins message is fairly simple. It is the message of peace and desire for reflection on what is really going on in Syria.  He is essentially asking American people to pause and really think about the situation and its ramifications on the whole region and the international community before getting into another mindless war.

What’s American response? “I was insulted”, “I wanted to vomit”, it is an “Insult to the intelligence of every American”. We want WAR and we want it NOW. We don’t even care if by doing so we are partner up with Al Qaeda.

What the hell is going on here? I am an American and I am not insulted. I think Mr. Putin brought up some very good points. I think the American Government has lost touch with reality and went completely off the rails.

I think it is our Senators and our Congressman that make most Americans want to vomit. The proposed strike on Syria has a 7% approval rating, yet these idiots are still pushing for war. While this is quite entertaining, I am watching this unfold in disbelief.   

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