Warning: The Real Reason Behind This Minimum Wage Increase Push

With massive imbalances building up all over the place and with the asset inflation/speculation gaining speed, the US Government desperately needs one thing….. 

Wage Inflation. 

Even though the FED pumped a tremendous amount of money into our economy (over $1 Trillion in the last 3 years alone) they have been fairly unsuccessful in getting the unemployment number low enough were wage inflation kicks off. This is a big problem because their entire “flood the market with credit” premise relies on inflating everything away. If wages do not increase, their entire plan collapses. With most of the credit flowing to “asset inflation” as opposed to “economic/wage inflation” the FED is troubled.

Of course, a little too late. At this stage, wage inflation will do very little to stem the upcoming stock market collapse and a severe recession within the US Economy. What bear market? Please click here to read the bear market report.  

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Warning: The Real Reason Behind Minimum Wage Increase Push  Google


Get ready for a bigger push in Washington to raise the minimum wage

Cities and states have taken the lead on raising the minimum wage in the absence of Congressional action but that could potentially change after the 2014 midterm elections.

“Democrats really see this as a winning issue” in the November midterm elections, says Steven Greenhouse, labor and workplace reporter at The New York Times. They “are trying to hit this hard…as a way to erase losses” associated with Obamacare,” Greenhouse tells The Daily Ticker.

Democrats also see raising the minimum wage “as an important way to lift the wages of millions of American workers,” says Greenhouse.

The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour — which, after adjusting for inflation, is about 30% less than it was 46 years ago.

President Obama and many Democrats want to raise the minimum  to $10.10 an hour by 2016, which would boost the earnings of some 16 million Americans. The Congressional Budget Office says the wage hike would reduce poverty for 900,000 Americans but also eliminate 500,000 jobs — a conclusion that Republicans are using to argue against the hike.

Given that opposition, President Obama decided to institute the wage hike for federal contractors  by executive order, effective next January. Eighteen states have instituted a minimum wage that’s higher than the national minimum. Washington leads with $9.32 an hour and SeaTac, a city south of Seattle, has the highest minimum wage in the country at $15 an hour.

Greenhouse says he’s interviewed many minimum wage workers who say they can’t support themselves, no less their families, making just $8 or $9 an hour. And many of those workers are household breadwinners who are educated and not the teenager flipping hamburgers in a summer job, which has been the conventional image of minimum wage workers.

“More educated workers are making just $7, $8 or $9 dollars and hour,” says Greenhouse. Many have  finished high schhool and a growing percentage have some college credit.

But is raising the minmum wage the best way to support those workers?

Some economists argue that increasing the earned income tax credit would be more effective because it would shift the burden from employers to the government.

“Republicans really don’t want to do it because that would cost the govenrment billions of dollars,” says Greenhouse. “That is a heavier political lift than raising the minimum wage,” which is why Democrats are focusing on minimum wage,  says Greenhouse.

A recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that 63% of Americans support raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Seventy-seven percent of Democrats supported that level, while 47% of Republicans did. Support overall declined above $10.10 an hour.