What This Ferrari Crash Can Teach Us About The Stock Market

Sometimes the best financial analysis arrives in unusual forms.

In the Chinese city of Wenling, a woman crashed a Ferrari 458 which she had rented at the car dealership just a few minutes before. – Just as this woman, Mr. Trump has no idea what he is doing to the US Economy. He is not making it better, he is taking it on a high octane debt fueled joy ride that will end in a disaster. 

Shortly before the accident, the alleged driver of the vehicle shot a video bragging about the luxury car. “First time driving a Ferrari. It’s really the most amazing feeling,” she said in the clip. – Remember those “All Time Highs” boasts by Mr. Trump? + MAGA

We have a feeling the US Economy will end up in a similar spin out soon enough. If you would like to find out when, please Click Here

