When Will Nuclear World War 3 Start (Chapter 3,Part 1)

predicting the future investwithalex

Chapter 3: When Will The War Start

I first became aware of this information around 2008 and I thought long and hard ever since then if I should publish it. After all, nothing good is likely to come out of letting people know about the upcoming war. In the best case scenario, I will be ridiculed.  In the worst, well, maybe I will get a visit from the men in black.  Yet, after some careful consideration I have figured that if this information saves just one life and/or one family, it is worth it.

Report Summary: I plan to spend the 2029-2040 time frame at my beach house on one of the islands somewhere in the South Pacific as the

  • Coalition of NATO Members and
  • Russia/China Alliance

…..NUKE each other back to the stone age. 

Now, before you assume that I am sort of a doomsdayer seeking to build some sort of a cult following, understand something very important. I am a very well to do and generally very happy. I do not have any interest in the doom and gloom and I am only reporting what my work indicates.  In fact, I make it a point to tell people not to follow me.  I have learned a long time ago that I cannot change violent human nature not the future. As such, I ask people not to contact me or seek further guidance in regards to this prediction.  Simply be aware that this is coming down the pipeline and decide what plan of action is best for your family and yourself.

The Bible calls this period Armageddon, graphically describing its aftermath in the Book of Revelation.  The Mayans, Nostradamus, Edgar Casey and many other clairvoyants throughout human history had pointed to “Our Time” as the time of this “Final & Devastating War”. The end of one age and the beginning of the next.  Some clearly discussing submarines, planes and even the Internet at the time of this “Great Tribulation”.  Hundreds of years ago. What’s scary is that most of such predictions tend to be  eerily similar.  Here is one of my favorite ones.

Then shall there come unto man the great warfare
that shall make the Earth tremble and shake in its course.
Aye, then shall the Dark Brothers
open the warfare between Light and the night.

When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly
in the air on wings like the birds;
when he has learned to harness the lightning,
then shall the time of warfare begin.
Great shall the battle be twixt the forces,
great the warfare of darkness and Light.

Nation shall rise against nation
using the dark forces to shatter the Earth.
Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man
until half of the races of men shall be gone.
Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning
and give their edict to the children of men, saying:
O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother.
Only thus can ye come to the Light.

Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother,
and follow the path and know ye are right.

Then shall men cease from their striving,
brother against brother and father against son.

While the passage above could be attributed to WW2 when it comes to timing, two things stand out. First, 50% of Earth’s population did not vanish in WW2 and the weapons described are likely to be the nuclear weapons that will be used in WW3. In addition, before humanity can shift into the age/cycle of peace and prosperity a certain war must be fought.  A war so terrible and so devastating, that men will tremble at a thought of ever again lifting a finger against his fellow human beings.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….. (Why are you seeing this post on a financial site?)


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