Why Do You Hate Me?

bear market investwithalex

It’s hard to be a bear. No one likes bears.  Here are the top 10 signs that you might be a bear hater as well. 

  1. You define a bear who got it wrong simply as “An idiot”.
  2. You define a bear who got it right as “An idiot who got lucky.”
  3. Short squeezes give you a hard on.
  4. When you go to Russia you always order a Grilled Bear Steak.
  5. You can’t stop laughing when Mr. Market mauls all the bears.
  6. You secretly wish that Mr. Bernanke would round up all the bears and ship them to where they belong….. Siberia.
  7. You think that throwing bears out of airplanes should be an Olympic sport. 
  8. When up in the mountains you steal “Slow Down For Bears” signs and replace them with “No Speed Limit” signs. 
  9. You believe all bears are communists. 
  10. You believe bear mafia controls the toilet paper market.

This goes to all the bears out there. 

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Why Do You Hate Me?