Why Only Fools Are Cheering Trump’s “Incredibly Strong & Amazing” Jobs Report

As Mr. Trump himself says, this is THE BEST job market and unemployment figure in the history of the Union. I guess it would be pointless to point out that Mr. Trump had very little to do with the above as his predecessor and the FED were basically responsible for bringing the unemployment down from over 10% in 2009-10 to what it is today. In other words, Mr. Trump is jumping on a massive freight train speeding down and claiming responsibility.

We are also very much aware of the numerous problems associated with the official unemployment number.  Such as 100+ Million Americans being out of a labor force ( a record), our middle class collapsing and 78 Million Americans Hustling Dimes. 

As much as the above stings, history suggests things are about to get a lot worse. You see, jobs are a lagging indicator. The unemployment rate always bottoms when the stock market peaks. That is to say, instead of cheering this number investors should approach it with concern.
