Why Retirement Is For Fools


Over the last 50 years the Wall Street did a wonderful job selling the main street on the dream of retirement. Work and save now, invest in the mutual funds (aka…give us your money) and then live happily ever after in retirement. Why ‘I’ll just work longer’ is not a good retirement plan.

In short, such BS articles drive me up the wall.  While I am all for saving as much money as you can, handing it over to Wall Street in hopes of having enough income in time for retirement is a foolish dream. The bear market of 2014-2017 will, once again, show you why.

On a personal note, I don’t understand retirement.  I will work until I drop dead, even though I can retire today. Retiring at any age is DEATH. It is as simple as that. Instead, one should structure his work/life balance as a contact state of enjoyment. When that happens, work becomes pleasure and retirement becomes unnecessary. Enough wisdom for today.


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