Why The War In Ukraine Will Be The Trigger Point For Nuclear World War 3

In cartoon: Ukraine in crisisSpeaking of China, a fascinating story that shows, once again, how immense wars can appear out of nowhere and literally overnight.  Taiping Rebellion, a massive civil war in the Southern China that was fought between 1850-1864 was just as incredible in its origin as it was infamous for the amount of bloodshed that it had spilled.  Yet, despite being one of the bloodiest conflicts in the human history, with 20-40 million people dead, very little is known about it in the western world. Perhaps because the origin of the conflict is so unbelievable.

On what surely was a beautiful morning sometime in the 1850, Hong Xiuquan, a Chinese peasant woke up from an interesting dream.  In that dream he learned that he was Jesus’ younger brother. Taking this dream at face value, Hong forged a giant “demon slaying sword” and then went on a rampage civil war against the Qing Dynasty and even the British. Capturing a large territory and ruling over 30 million people.  Proving, once again, that human stupidity and thirst for bloodshed knows no bounds.

…back to the WW3.

If you live in the USA, NATO’s build up on the Russian border would be equivalent to either Russia or China opening a number of massive military bases either on the Mexican or on the Canadian border.  Surely, if such action was to occur, it is highly probable that the US would see this move by either Russia or China as a declaration of war.  It is unclear why the US Government, the US Industrial Military complex and NATO don’t believe that the same rules apply to them when they begin to play in somebody else’s backyard.

Point being, there is only so far the US and NATO can push Russia before Russia snaps back.  That is why today’s war in Ukraine is so significant. In simple terms, it is a proxy war between the US and Russia. It is a war that the US has no reason in fighting and it is a war that Russia cannot afford to lose.  While the majority of the US population remains blissfully unaware, only one question must be asked. What is the US Government doing in a small “Russian Empire” nation that is 6,000 miles away from the closest American shore?  Is it bringing freedom, liberty, rainbows and unicorns to the Ukrainian people? If you truly believe that, please give me a call as I have some stock to sell you.

Why is this so important? Answering this question in a proper fashion is crucial to understanding why the Nuclear World War 3 will develop.  Whatever your political or nationalistic affiliations are, all conflicts develop in the same fashion. Typically there is a aggravating or an invading force that sets things in motion. Basically, today’s war in Ukraine will be viewed as a trigger point for how things will unfold over the next 15 to 20 years.  That’s how long it often takes for things to boil over.

To Be Continued On Monday…....(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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