Why We Are Calling BS On Trump’s MAGA

10/26/2018 – A positive day with the Dow Jones up 401 points (+1.63%) and the Nasdaq up 209 points (+2.95%)

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Admit it, you have been had. Just as we have been. As we have been warning for over a year, Trump’s policies are turning into a one giant Ponzi Scheme. And we are beginning to see the consequences.

Most Americans say their finances have not improved since the 2016 election

As the midterm elections approach, a new survey says a majority of Americans do not feel their financial situation has improved since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016.

Only 38% of Americans say their finances have improved since the 2016 election, according to a study released Thursday by finance website Bankrate, while 17% say they have gotten worse, and 45% say they are about the same. This comes as the economy remains the key issue in the Nov. 6 midterm elections.

‘The 1% never had it so good’: What key midterm candidates are saying about the economy now

On one side of the partisan aisle, supporters of President Trump’s policies — like Mike Braun in Indiana and Lou Barletta in Pennsylvania — have been praising the administration’s deregulatory agenda and tax cuts, and linking to articles and quoting statistics that focus on the economy’s growth, an increase in worker wages and the low jobless rate.

On the other side, Democrats like North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp and Ohio’s Sherrod Brown continue to push back against “the administration’s trade war,” point to data showing “real wages have barely budged,” and focus on how the tax cut benefited “the wealthiest 1%.”

Listen, this is rather simple. 

Trump infused Obama’s dying economic bubble with a shot of heroin in the form of tax cut and massive debt increases (spending). With most of the gains, if any, going to the top 1-10%. The dying patient miraculously came to live, but only for a brief moment as a massive cardiac arrest was just seconds away.

We can only hope the US Economy avoids the faith of Trump’s casinos that were operated under the same principles. Perhaps when elephants fly.

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