Why You Should NOT Buy Stocks Now


Let’s assume you were in a comma and/or forgot to buy stocks over the last 6 years. If so, MarketWatch has an advice for you How to buy stocks now if you’ve missed this massive bull market. It is…..

  1. Admit that you were an idiot.
  2. Start buying now and keep buying (keep averaging in)…. no matter what.

By the way, the strategy above summarizes the strategy of 99% of financial and investment advisers out there. This is foolish. Here is why.

Imagine yourself following the advice above at 2000 or 2007 tops and you get a quick realization of what happens next. A much better strategy would be to

  1. Realize that we are at a major top.
  2. Accumulate cash or go short while waiting for a bottom.
  3. Load up on the stocks when the bottom arrives.

Most people believe that timing market is impossible. And it is, but only if you are too lazy to do any real stock market analysis work. For example, my work clear shows when this bottom will arrive and how this top will play out. Click Here to find out.

Again, there is no reason to buy at the top and average down. Well, unless you enjoy losing money.


Why You Should NOT Buy Stocks Now Google