Why The World War 3 Is Coming

war board games

Continuation from yesterday…… 

Why Will the War Start? All wars repeat in cycles. In the preceding chapter I have identified a clear 84 year cycle associated with all of the major American (USA) wars. With the Nuclear World War 3 being just 15 years away, I believe it is important to understand what fundamental factors will set things in motion.  Understanding such benchmarks will help us keep close tabs on exactly when the war will start.  And while some people might assume that this gives us enough time to prevent the war from happening, unfortunately, real life doesn’t work that way. Based on my stock market work, the future is predetermined and cannot be altered by “spiritually unconscious” population. Simply put, the war is coming and cannot be stopped.

Further, as I write this in July of 2014, it appears that that most of world’s geopolitical and macroeconomic factors are already lining up to usher in the war.  Let’s take a quick look at what is happening in the world today …..

  • Israel is fighting another war in Gaza.
  • Civil wars in Syria and Ukraine.
  • Iraq is about to fall in the hands of a terrorist organization ISIS. Afghanistan will follow the same scenario in a few years time.  Both countries will face catastrophic civil wars.
  • NATO is pushing closer and closer to the Russian border. Russia blames the US and the EU for being directly responsible for financing the unrest in Ukraine.  In order to expand NATO even closer to Russia.
  • The US is readying the next round of unilateral sanctions against Russia.
  • Russia responds by getting further involved in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine.
  • Russia reopens its spy base in Cuba to spy on the US.
  • Cold War 2 between Russia and the US is accelerating.
  • China is trying to establish its dominance in the South Pacific region by bullying the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan and Taiwan.
  • China has already told the US, in no uncertain terms, to get out of the South Pacific region.
  • China and Russia are already aligning their interest through their military cooperation and the biggest oil/gas deal that was signed between the countries in the mid 2014.
  • Massive speculative stock market bubbles throughout the world and an upcoming financial crisis.

And that’s just the beginning as things will continue to deteriorate on all fronts.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….


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2 Replies to “Why The World War 3 Is Coming”

  1. if world war 3 is fought with mostly scalar weapons do you still agree to 2029 year???reply to my email soon

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