Yield Curves & Rotten Apples

Is it time to short Apple (AAPL)? Can the overall stock market survive without Apple surging to all time highs? These are the questions we have when barely 12 nerds show up for an iPhone 8.

As they say, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. 

Full Story: That’s rotten! Barely a dozen shoppers queue at Apple’s flagship London store for launch of tech firm’s new £700 iPhone 8 

Now, let’s talk about the Yield Curve……

It is a well known fact that a flat or inverted yield curve signals recession. And that is exactly what we saw in 2000 and 2007.

Well, thanks to the Ponzi Operators at the FED we are nearly there again. The spread between 10 year and 1 year note is now just 100 basis points. Not at inversion point quite yet, but certainly heading that way.

Now, many yield curve watchers would use the above as a confirmation point that we are still 12-18 months away from any sort of a recession. I would caution against such a view.


Well, we have never seen the monetary conditions we are seeing today. Everything, including yields, have been distorted to such a degree by our central banker friends that, quite literally, anything goes.

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